List Of Goals - Defining What You Want & Visualize It Coming True


To Achieve You Need To Plan It, See It & Feel It!

If you already know how to effectively set a list of goals, YAY!!

And while that’s all fine and dandy… let’s next level this shit!

Studies have shown that “vividly describing your goals in written form is strongly associated with goal success, and people who very vividly describe or picture their goals are anywhere from 1.2 to 1.4 times more likely to successfully accomplish their goals than people who don’t.”  

list of goals to set for yourself

List of Goals - Do These Two Things First!

So what does this mean if you really want to set yourself up for success with ease?:

  1. Write your goals down using the SMART technique

  2. Do it in a way that is SOOO descriptive and detailed that you can see and feel it. I mean it! You should be able to literally see it in your mind’s eye and feel it emotionally- before it’s even happened!

smart goals

Struggling to figure out your list of goals?

Not sure how to vividly describe and picture it and set your master list of goals?  Start by asking yourself this powerful question - and take some time to reflect on it:

  • What do you want to manifest this coming year? Imagine something that - if it happened - you would be in awe and almost couldn’t believe it really came true.               

goals list template

For even more clarity and action, follow this list of 5 simple steps and you’ll be well on your way to smashing your goals:

  1. Use the above question to generate a spark towards getting clear on what you want.

  2. Use the SMART Goals Worksheet to refine it and more clearly define it.

  3. Transfer your goals into the Bulletproof Blueprint - which will help you outline exactly how you’re going to make your goals happen.

  4. Follow your plan and DO the things in your plan (Action is everything!) 

  5. Read your goals often. Vividly picture yourself reaching your goals and allow yourself to feel the emotions as well.

Your success is inevitable, if you decide it is.  So, decide it is, and get after it using these 5 powerful steps! 

Keep slaying,

  ~ Liz


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